Get Ransom Aware.

By: Samantha Geary, Marketing Executive

Ok, let me set the scene…

It’s a Tuesday.

Your commute into work was hassle-free, you have a cup of coffee in hand and you take a seat at your desk ready to start the day.

You turn on your computer, sieve through your inbox and you see that Jack from admin has emailed you. You open it, but it’s just a hyperlink asking you to…

You click it, it prompts you to enter your log in details, you don’t think twice about it because Jack is a trust worthy guy and he’s always sending you emails. 


Then BOOM. You’re greeted by an unfamiliar screen.

As you read on, you realise that you’ve been hit by some kind of cyberattack demanding a ransom in exchange for your data.

You have just clicked a phishing link and opened the doors of your business to a nasty form of malware that can take over your computer.

You have sensitive company data and other important files on your computer that you just can’t afford to lose like:

  • Customer data
  • Vendor information
  • Financial information
  • Payroll information
  • Business plans

You get the picture.

It’s a scenario you don’t want to find yourself in and unfortunately, it’s not an uncommon one.

How does it work?

Ransomware is a form of malware that enables criminals to lock down or encrypt the files on your device. Criminals use ransomware to extort money from you (hence the word ransom) and claim to restore access to your files or device once the ransom has been paid.

Ransomware affects almost 50% of UK businesses. Don’t be another statistic.

Ransomware is just one of the many forms of malware. There are other cyber threats out there so remember to protect yourself and secure your end users. We offer a range of products, services and advice to ensure you’re not just another number.

Active Alerts:

A service which provides ‘hacker checking’ to protect against Brute Force Attack.

Mail Control:

An email continuity service which backs up e-mail, so it can’t be lost and also scans for spam and viruses in email attachments.

Cloud Backup and Disaster recovery:

Being locked out of your system is bad enough so ensure all your files are backed up, so in the event of a disaster (such as Ransomware) you can recover them.

Managed Antivirus:

Maximise protection against hard-to-detect threats and both known and potential viruses. Ensuring your antivirus is always working and up to date.

Cyber Aware

This service provides a simulated ‘phishing attack’ and allows us, in conjunction with our customers to recognise where training is needed. We offer guidance where necessary to educate employees on where cyber dangers may lie.

Web Protect:

Block and filter harmful websites.

Managed Encryption:

Encrypt your devices so data cannot be accessed in the event of loss or theft.

Patch Management:

Keeping your essential system software updated can stop cyber-attacks in its tracks, allowing you to stay secure and up-to-date.

These are very important measures and all businesses should include them in their cyber security plan but without the understanding behind why they are necessary, you’re stuck on square one.

When it comes to cyber threats- prevention is always better than cure.

So step one in your cyber security plan should be prevention.

So, get your team cyber aware.

For more information on any of the services mentioned above or advice on spreading awareness to your team,
click here and get in touch today.